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About Us

Helping to Secure Your Future

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Our Promise to You

I started The Master's Choice company over 20 years ago because I knew it was time to give something back and I knew I had something to give.


I've spent most of my life doing two things, serving in the medical field and working in the insurance industry. My years as a medic, including a stint in Afghanistan, taught me that that life is uncertain. You just don't know what today or tomorrow holds for you and your family and your business. But from the decades I've spent working with insurance, I also know that you can lessen this uncertainty by making plans. You may not be able to prevent an illness or accident or loss of a job, but you can make sure that you are financially secure, that you can pay the hospital bills, repair the storm damage to your home, and have supplemental income when you're no longer working.


And as a family man and business owner, I also know how critical it is to take care of the people and things we care about most. And just as I've prepared my life and my family for the days and years to come, I can also help you ensure that you, your family, and your business are safe now and in the future.


I give you my word on that.

R. David Jones

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